Janika Ketoniemi, who has worked for Satatuote Oy for 28 years, is encouraged by her small successes and the feeling that her own work is important to the company.
Janika Ketoniemi started working with Satatuote as a production line operator, 28 years ago. At the turn of 2019 she started her new position in quality assurance. It is the responsibility of the QA to ensure, among other things, that the products are of uniform quality.
– During the day, I make sure that the products coming out of the line meet the quality requirements. If necessary, I will also be the operator on the line as before. In addition, the job description involves induction of new employees and more paperwork. Quality assurance work is much the same as operator work, so there is a good relationship between old and new, Janika emphasizes.
Small successes and independence reward you
Janika, a native of Rauma, is rewarded most by her small successes.
– Fine-tuning machines is my job. It’s rewarding to be able to take care of minor problems yourself and, for example, to restart a machine that has stopped. It's also rewarding to see your team doing their job well and playing eight hours a day with the power of collaboration.
– The responsibility of minimizing waste, while still maintaining a very high quality product, is a challenge for quality assurance work.
According to Janika, The best thing about working with Satatuote is independence.
– It's nice to be able to work independently. Nobody is controlled and directed all the time, and the employee is trusted. You may first try to solve the problems yourself, but if help is needed, of course it’s always there. Independence, is the feeling that I'm needed, and I’m a benefit to the company, summarizes Janika.